University Professorship (W3) for Computational Theoretical Physics

Faculty: Faculty IV: School of Science and Technology  | ID: 6269


The University of Siegen is a modern university with an international orientation and a focus on interdisciplinary research. It currently has around 14,000 students and covers a range of research fields from the humanities, social and economic sciences to natural sciences, engineering and life sciences. With over 2,000 employees, the university is one of the largest employers in the region and offers a unique environment for teaching, study, research and knowledge transfer.

We are seeking:

for the Department Physik in Faculty IV: School of Science and Technology to begin on 01.01.2026, a

University Professor (W3)
for Computational Theoretical Physics

Your Responsibilities:

You represent the subject of computational physics in research and teaching. Significant research contributions to the SFB TRR 257 "Particle Physics Phenomenology after the Higgs Discovery" are expected. Currently our collaboration with the Universtiy of Bonn, the Technical University of Dortmund and the Research Center Jülich is being deepend and you will play a key role in shaping this cooperation and you will contribute important projects.

In teaching, participation in all physics courses is expected. In addition to the undergraduate bachlor´s degree program, participation in the master´s degree program with a specialization in particle physics is particularly desired, wich also includes joint events with the University of Bonn and the Technical University of Dortmund. Your innovative ideas for further developing teaching and acquiring students are welcome.

You will work actively and constructively in the univesity´s self-governing bodies and in the management structures of our coordinated programs.

Your profile:

You are an internationally recognized and leading expert in the field of theoretical particle physics. Your experience lies in one or more off the following areas.


  • Collider physics
  • Flavor physics
  • Effective field theories


In the field of computer applications, your expertise lies in one or more of the following areas:

  • Quantum algorithms in theoretical particle physics
  • Machine Learning in theoretical particle physics
  • New methods in lattice-QCD or for Monte-Carlo simulations


At the University of Siegen you will be able to work with experts from theoretical flavor physics, theoretical and experimental collider physics in the Center for Particle Physics Siegen (CPPS). The faculty also has opportunities for cooperation with experimental and theoretical quantum optics.


You have extensive experience in acquiring larger third-party funded projects and in leading larger research groups. You meet the legal employment requirements (§ 36 HG NRW). Information about this and further information can be found at


We look forward to receiving your application package by 01.11.2024. Please submit applications solely via our Job Application Portal ( Application packages received in paper or email form will not be considered.

Your contact person:

Prof. Dr. Alexander Lenz, 0271-740 3890,

Equal opportunities and diversity are promoted and embodied at the University of Siegen. The advertisement is explicitly addressed to people of all genders; applications from women will be given special consideration in accordance with the State Equal Opportunities Act. We also welcome applications from people with different personal, social, and cultural backgrounds, people with severe disabilities, and people of equal status.
