Academic council for Computergraphics and Multimedia Systems

Area: Faculty IV: School of Science and Technology  | Job scope: full-time  | Duration of employment: for life  | Posting-ID: 6344


The University of Siegen is a modern university with an international orientation and a focus on interdisciplinary research. It currently has around 14,000 students and covers a range of research fields from the humanities, social and economic sciences to natural sciences, engineering and life sciences. With over 2,000 employees, the university is one of the largest employers in the region and offers a unique environment for teaching, study, research and knowledge transfer.

We seek:

In the Faculty IV: School of Science and Technology , Computergraphik und Multimediasysteme , we are looking for a academic councilor at the earliest possible date at the following conditions:

  • 100% = 41,00 hours     
  • Pay grade A13   LBesG NRW  
  • for life   

Your tasks:

The Chair of Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems conducts research at the interface between computer graphics, machine learning, and sensing. We are looking for a faculty-level researcher with a strong international reputation in this area.  The position primarily involves independent research and teaching responsibilities in computer graphics and machine learning. The development of an own third-party funded research team in coordination with the research activities of the computer graphics group and in connection with other professorships, especially in the area of visual computing and sensor technology, is desired and supported.

  • Independently perform research and teaching tasks in the area of visual computing related to computer graphics, e.g., neural graphics, shape analysis, rendering, scientific visualization, or graphical simulation.
  • Support and independent activities in the acquisition of third-party funded research projects
  • Assumption of independent teaching duties (5 semester hours per week); teaching is predominantly offered in English, within 4 years the ability to teach in German should be available
  • Participation in the academic self-administration

Your profile:

  • Requirements for employment: § 44 Hochschulgesetz NRW i.V.m. § 45 career regulations NRW
  • Scientific university degree (Master or equivalent degree) in the field of computer science or mathematics with focus on computer science
  • Doctorate in the field of computer science with clear reference to computer graphics (exceptions are regulated by § 45 para. 3 LVO NRW)
  • Periods of fulltime employment in the thematically relevant environment/topic area of 3 years and 6 months after graduation or 1 year after completion of the doctoral degree
  • High level of scientific ability and experience in visual computing research related to computer graphics, as evidenced by publications in professional journals, and peer-reviewed conferences and workshops
  • Pedagogical/didactic aptitude, demonstrated by experience in teaching and supervising student theses
  • Distinct communicative and organizational skills, combined with an independent working style
  • Precise verbal and written communication in English, as well as the willingness to acquire knowledge of written and spoken German within 4 years

Our range of services:

  • There is the possibility of habilitation and, in the long term, of obtaining the title of a “professor” (Außerplanmässige Professur)
  • A lifelong position in a civil service relationship
  • If the general requirements under civil service law are not met, employment as a salaried employee is possible
  • Responsibility for a field of activity with great creative potential
  • Diverse opportunities to take on responsibility and make a visible contribution in the environment of research and teaching
  • A modern understanding of leadership and collaboration
  • Good work-life balance
  • Extensive personnel development program
  • Health management with a broad range of prevention and counseling services


We look forward to receiving your application by 12.11.2024.

Please apply exclusively via our job portal ( Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications in writing or by e-mail.

Your contact person:

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kolb

0271 / 740-2404

Equal opportunities and diversity are promoted and embodied at the University of Siegen. The advertisement is explicitly addressed to people of all genders; applications from women will be given special consideration in accordance with the State Equal Opportunities Act. We also welcome applications from people with different personal, social, and cultural backgrounds, people with severe disabilities, and people of equal status.
